Game 927 | May 20, 2020 | The Five Local Professional Sports Team Leaders: Matt Majka, Andrew Miller, Ethan Casson, Dave St. Peter, Chris Wright
Dunkers switched to a virtual Zoom format to hear how the leaders of the region's professional spots team were dealing with the virus.

LtoR: Row 1: Chris Wright, Ethan Casson, Dave St. Peter; Row 2: Dave Mona, Ross Levin; Row 3: Matt Majka; Row 4: Andrew Miller

Game 986 | August 17, 2023 |  Andrew Miller, Kevin O'Connell, Paul Allen

(LtoR) Andrew Miller, Lester Bagley (physician)

(LtoR) Paul Allen and Kevin O'Connell during program with Dunker members and guests following the Vikings joint practice with the Tennessee Titans.


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