
Click on Year - Season for speakers during season.

 Year - Season Head Coach Games
2025 - 77Jamal Abu-Shamala1013- 
 2024 - 76Dave Stead / Jerry Broeckert993-1012
2023 - 75Karen Himle975-992 
2022 - 74 Dan Stoltz 959-974
2021 - 73 Lea B. Olsen941 - 958
2020 - 72Ross Levin925 - 940 
2019 - 71Lester Bagley908 - 924 
2018 - 70 Nancy Lindahl890 - 907
2017 - 69 Pete Kostroski873 - 889
2016 - 68 Chris Wright854 -  872
2015 - 67Jerry Broeckert835 - 853
 2014 - 66 Jon Gurban818 - 834 
2013 - 65Bob Hagan801 - 817 
2012 - 64Dave Shama784 - 801
2011 - 63Wayne Kostroski767 - 783 
2010 - 62Denny Schulstad748 - 766 
2009 - 61Dave Metzen727 - 746 
2008 - 60 Margaret Sughrue Carlson710 - 726 
2007 - 59Bill Robertson688 - 709
2006 - 58 Bill Lester668 - 687 
2005 - 57Dave St. Peter646 - 667
2004 - 56

Harold Higgins / Dave St. Peter

627- 645
2003 - 55Mark Dienhart612-626
2002 - 54Frank Bennett595 - 611
2001 - 53Kevin Cattoor576 - 594
2000 - 52John Remes558 - 575
1999 - 51Linda Mona542 - 557
1998 - 50Roy Smalley525 - 541
1997 - 49Pinky McNamara507 - 524
1996 - 48Jim Dutcher492 - 506
1995 - 47Greg Ortale471 - 491
1994 - 46Pat Miles453 - 470
1993 - 45Lou Nanne436 - 452
1992 - 44Pat Murray417 - 435
1991 - 43Warren Spannaus398 - 415
1990 - 42Steve Goldstein379 - 397
1989 - 41Bill Wren367 - 378
1988 - 40Scott Meyer354 - 366
1987 - 39Clayt Kaufman342 - 353
1986 - 38Jerry Bell331 - 341
1985 - 37Jim Blake322 - 330
1984 - 36Bob Bjorklund312 - 321
1983 - 35 John Hoffner302 - 311
1982 - 34Paul Youngdahl294 - 301
1981 - 33 Grady Alderman285 - 293
1980 - 32Dave Mona274 - 284
1979 - 31Bob Allison269 - 273
1978 - 30Gunnar Rovick260 - 267
1977 - 29Gerald P. Utley249 - 259
1976 - 28Howard T. Fox Jr.241 - 248
1975 - 27Harvey B. Mackay231 - 240
1974 - 26Philip Lewis Jr.225 - 230
1973 - 25Walter L. Bush Jr.216 - 224
1972 - 24Francis C. Hubbard203 - 215
1971 - 23Paul R. Giel190 - 202
1970 - 22Sid Hartman181 - 189
1969 - 21Marshall Diebold167 - 180
1968 - 20Lawrence F. Haeg157 - 166
1967 - 19Vern Mikkelsen149 - 156
1966 - 18Edward C. Arnold139 - 148 
1965 - 17T. Floyd Cullen129 - 138
1964 - 16R. B. Rathbun121 - 128
1963 - 15Philip Sieff111 - 120
1962 - 14Paul E. Foss102 - 110
1961 - 13Jarvis A. Tew93 - 101
1960 - 12Lyle Z. Wright84 - 92
1959 - 11M. M. Perry73 - 83
1958 - 10E. W. Boyer66- 72
1957 - 09William MacPhail Jr.57 - 65
1956 - 08Charles D. Pyle50 -56
1955 - 07Wells J. Wright43 - 49
1954 - 06Charles Johnson36 - 42
1953 - 05Chester, R. Roan28 - 35
1952 - 04C. T. Hagman23 - 27
1951 - 03Francis L. Lund15 -22
1950 - 02Clifford C. Sommer07 -13
1948/49 - 01Gerald L. Moore01 -06

The table contains a summary of the games for each season since the first season and the names of the Dunker member that was the head coach for each of those seasons.

Most of the early Dunkers were also members of The Minneapolis Athletic Club, so it made sense to schedule meetings there. Meetings were held at the Athletic Club until a change in the management structure in 1999. Meetings alternated between the Athletic Club and the Minneapolis Club that year, and meetings moved exclusively to the the Minneapolis Club in 2000 when the Athletic Club closed for renovations.

Unlike later meetings, the first meetings were informal breakfasts where the members were able to engage the guests in conversation. The Physician was expected to present a "Eulogy," to which the guest would respond. That format gave way to today's introduction / remarks / questions system. In the mid 1950s no guests were permitted.

The breakfasts began at 7:45 and were not to go beyond 8:45. The Coaching Staff didn't know how many meetings they were going to be able to schedule in a year, but prospective members were told that they were expected to attend a minimum of three meetings per year. In order to take attendance, each member was asked to sign in on an oversized sheet.

The featured guests were photographed, and those photos were attached to the of the sign-in sheets over he guest's signatures. Over the years the organization collected hundreds of signatures which would become highly valued in later years.

The first season, consisting of six meetings, stretched from December 1948 to the end of 1949. Topics included professional baseball, college and professional basketball, the Ice Follies, boxing and University of Minnesota football. The most meetings ever in a season was 22 in 2005.

The position of Dunkers Head Coach is the member that presides at all meetings and is responsible for scheduling speakers. Only twice in Dunkers history has a member served two tours as Head Coach - Dave St. Peter and Jerry Broeckert.

Since 1990 the group has set a target of approximately 18 meetings per year. On January 1, 2021, Twin Cities Dunkers became Twin Cities Dunkers, LTD.

The first Board of Directors for the new legal entity, Twin Cities Dunkers, LTD:

Dave Mona, President
Dave St. Peter, Vice President
Ross Levin, Treasurer
Frank Bennett, Secretary

Lester Bagley, Jerry Broeckert,
Bob Hagan, Pete Kostroski,
Nancy Lindahl, Dave Metzen,
Lea B. Olsen, Bill Robertson

After close to 74 years of meeting in downtown Minneapolis with the last 21 years  meeting at the Minneapolis Club, in January, 2022, due to rising costs at the Minneapolis Club, the Dunkers Board of Directors voted to relocate to Interlachen Country Club as the new game day venue. The first meeting at ICC in Edina was Game 961 on March 30, 2022.

Webmaster: Jerry Broeckert

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